
Advanced oil contamination and campsite waste incinerator developed for one of the world's leading oil and gas companies.

  • G20 Containerised Incineration Facility
  • Automated Loading Systems
  • Optimised Contaminated Waste disposal
  • Prevent Environmental Damage
  • Dispose Of General Campsite Waste
  • Support Regulatory Oversights

Ecological Contaminated Waste Incinerator

Keeping the environment clean during oil extraction has become essential for ongoing operations. New ecological legislations are established regularly to hold oil companies accountable not just during the process but also for the future of the land after they have finished drilling.

One of the most significant risks to the local environment from crude oil production is contamination caused by the raw oil as it is extracted. This oil can seep into the ground, making it unusable and uninhabitable for many years into the future.

Addfield was contracted to deliver two fully compliant waste disposal solutions based on our established reputation for working with complex and environmentally sustainable facilities.


Containerised Incineration Solutions

For this project, G20 incinerators were to be semi-permanent and housed within a container providing a fully self-contained facility for two locations in Chad, Central Africa.

The goal was to provide a safe and effective way to dispose of hazardous waste generated by the petroleum company while meeting all necessary environmental regulations and guidelines. Through utilising advanced incineration technology, the company was able to protect the environment and minimise the risks associated with waste disposal.

Secure Hydrocarbon Removal

Thermal waste treatment/incineration is recommended for removing waste hydrocarbons from soil and sand. Far safer than using chemicals which bring their problems to the environment. Incineration allows the waste oil to be burnt off the sand and dirt, oxidising and sterilising the material. It will then be suitable to return to the environment where it originally came from without causing harm.

However, traditional incinerators are unsuitable because this type of contaminated waste is highly flammable and volatile.

In this case, Addfield provided two advanced containerised G20 incinerators specially adjusted to process the waste generated by the petroleum company safely. The incinerators were optimised along multiple unique paths to ensure they could effectively manage the hazardous waste while meeting all necessary environmental regulations. By utilising advanced incineration technology, the company was able to protect the environment and minimise the risks associated with waste disposal.

Adapted Loading Systems For Mixed Waste Streams

The G20 incinerator has been specially adapted to manage oil-based waste, featuring two individual loading systems,  a ram charger which loads directly into the centre of the primary chamber to manage standard general municipal waste generated on-site. The contaminated sand and soil are introduced to the machine through a screw feeder at the rear that continuously loads the incinerator throughout the cycle with small quantities at a highly controlled rate. This waste then tumbles down a specially angled refractory wall lining, burning sustainably.

The benefits of this approach are twofold for the environment. They are removing the requirement to transport campsite waste off-site for landfill or external destruction. Whilst most importantly cleaning the land on site.

This Project Has Included:

  • Waste Oil Burner
  • Ram Charger, Automatic Loading For General Waste
  • Screw Feed System, For Oil-Contaminated Aggregates
  • Optimised Control Systems
  • Containerised Semi-Permanent Facility

Full Support Throughout

All of our incinerators can be operated using a growing range of fuels. In this instance, the main burners were to be predominantly diesel-powered. These incinerators were also equipped with an additional waste oil burner to run on spent oil at this installation. This reduces the fuel usage and the financial and environmental costs of disposing of hazardous waste oil off-site and supports our commitment to helping businesses to achieve zero waste to landfill goals.

Throughout this process, Addfield worked closely with the customer to develop the G20 incinerators, ensuring they met all environmental expectations and guidelines.

Complete training was also delivered to operatives covering installation, commissioning, operation and servicing to ensure that these machines could be in operation for many years to come.